Everything That Makes Bamboo Plywood Special
Bamboo plywood is an alternative construction material used in place of conventional wood plywood. This material is becoming increasingly popular in "green" construction due to rapid bamboo growth rate and low environmental impact.
Reduction of water absorption
Bamboo plywood absorbs water less easily than conventional wood plywood. This means that the sheets of bamboo plywood may contain less glue than the wood sheets, and they are less likely to absorb significant water under wet conditions. Bamboo plywood can still be damaged by moisture, however, and must be stored in a dry place or under plastic sheeting. The wetter the bamboo is, the less durable and flexible it becomes.
Bamboo has a greater capacity to withstand breakage under load compared to wood-based plywood. This means it is stronger when it contains a higher percentage of glue or resin. When the bamboo breaks in plywood, it tends to be along the lines of glue.
Bamboo plywood is a very flexible material. In fact, the addition of a bamboo material for wood plywood significantly increases flexibility. Bamboo leans more efficiently when wet, but is also more fragile.
The strength of bamboo plywood is highly dependent on the type and construction of building materials. Oriented chips tend to be stronger than random slides, due to the organized nature of its construction. Bamboo plywood with a woven texture is even more durable. Similarly, bamboo plywood made mainly using a material inside the plant contains less silica and tends to absorb the glue better, producing a board that is less likely to disintegrate under stress.
Having many advantages, bamboo plywood is just beginning to develop the Russian market. Bamboo plywood its price is relatively low will serve as an excellent material used for interior decoration of buildings.
Production of plywood from bamboo:
The raw material for this type of plywood is bamboo. Bamboo grows fast, providing an endless stream of raw materials.
A very unusual way to make plywood from bamboo. It is impossible to peel like coniferous or deciduous wood. Therefore, bamboo plywood is produced by splitting raw materials. In the next stage of production, the prepared wood chips are distributed into layers and pressed. Then the layers are glued under high pressure and temperature. When bonding, use phenolic glue or formaldehyde resins.
Advantages of bamboo wood:
• High strength;
• Moisture resistance;
• Natural protection against insects.
Taking into account the quality of this wood, buy bamboo plywood, you can use it for laying water pipes and formwork. Special processing of bamboo plywood allows you to use it when laying the foundation. This building material is divided into two types: corrugated and laminated.
An undeniable advantage, increasing the desire to buy bamboo plywood, is the possibility of its production in sheets of large size. In conditions of construction, this is an undoubted plus. The advantages of plywood from bamboo can be attributed to its ease. Installation of objects occurs without the use of unnecessary devices and effort, which increases the speed of construction.
Advantages of bamboo plywood
• Making plywood can use sheets of plywood of a smaller thickness. Made from bamboo, it will be less susceptible to the swelling process. Bamboo plywood has a high turnover and low cost.
• When comparing the material, the bamboo plywood whose price is low, with other types of plywood, the cost of the estimate of building materials is much lower.
• The high strength of the material, which makes it possible to use it not only in residential premises but also in various public facilities in which significant loads are exerted on the floor covering;
• The absence of foreign odors, since there are no harmful or dangerous components in the composition;
• Long service life, allowing a long time not to think about repairing the flooring;
• It is authorized to use plywood, even if under the floor covering a system of a warm floor is formed;
• If you use a moisture-resistant material, it can be employed in the bathroom or other rooms where high humidity is set and the air temperature changes regularly;
• The effect of various cleaning or detergents does not lead to a disruption in the integrity or change in the parameters of the plywood;
• The material is considered to be sufficiently rigid and has excellent thermal insulation properties;
• Plywood is produced in relatively large sheets, which at the same time is light, which simplifies and speeds up the installation;