Tips About Maintaining Bamboo Flooring
Nowadays when purchasing in building materials market, it is common to fine bamboo flooring, which is one of the new type home or office decoration materials in recent years. In fact, bamboo flooring becomes more and more popular and it becomes lots of people’s first choice when selecting floor for home or office decoration.
Just as its name implies, bamboo flooring is made from natural and high quality bamboo, meanwhile, compared with other common floors such as wooden floor or floor tile, bamboo flooring will give people the feeling of natural beauty, together with durable practicability.
If you select Bamboo flooring for home or office decoration, you make your wise decision, however, this is not the end, because you have to pay more attention on cleaning and maintenance of bamboo flooring, only by this way, its service life would be lengthened greatly.
In the following article, we will mainly discuss how to maintain bamboo flooring, please follow me to learn if you are interested in such topic.
Firstly, please use right ways to clean floor, for example, in order to avoid the damage of painting film on bamboo flooring, it is not right to clean with water containing soda or soap-suds. In addition, special wax should be polished on floor at fixed periods so that thin protective film will be formed on it, with such protective film, its surface would be more clean and smooth. According to the suggestion from furniture maintenance experts, it is better to polish wax on bamboo flooring about every two or three months, which will get the best maintenance result.
Secondly, avoid any damage on bamboo flooring. Please not to use hard materials such as metals, edge tools to hit against floor or rub it. Here is one useful solution you can take a try, you can place a carpet at aperture of door, so that any dirty stuffs will not be taken into home or office. By the way, when moving furniture at home, please handle with care so that bamboo flooring will not be scratched.
Thirdly, it is important to keep a constant humidity indoor. When decorating home with bamboo flooring, both doors and windows should be opened frequently so that moist air indoor will be changed with dry air outdoor. In the dry season, you can use humidifier to keep constant humidity, of course, here is another simple way that just place a basin of water indoor. In the moist season, keep good ventilation condition is the important measure you should do, at the same time, because of natural bamboo raw material, bamboo flooring should not be under the blazing sun for quite a long time or be soaked with rainwater.