Natural Bamboo Flooring - Eco Friendly Floor
Bamboo is a grass actually, not wood. Because bamboo doesn't get any bigger after 4-6 years, wood will be bigger and bigger when years going. Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants in the world, after 6 years, it has to be harvested or died by itself. Then new bamboo will come out. Bothbest used renewable bamboo to manufacture flooring with eco friendly process and not creating any pollution for our globe.
Bamboo flooring is leading the new trend of green building materials because bamboo is natural, non-toxic, eco friendly and the most important is renewable every 4-6 years. This is also called cycled economy, better than any other flooring.
Natural bamboo flooring is the way to protect our weak globe and environment. Bamboo doesn't produce any pollution but absorb the oxide.
Bamboo flooring combines beauty, elegance and quality, and is exceptionally hard wearing. With its natural appearance and the unique elegance, bamboo flooring can give the house, office very natural looking and better feeling than laminate.
Two major issues make bamboo flooring really Natural rather than other floorings.
- Renewable and Sustainable Raw material
- We only use bamboo for our production, like solid bamboo flooring or strand woven bamboo flooring. Bamboo is free of FSC certification because the farmers will plan bamboo every year to get the long-lasting income. Not like wood, FSC will the must-sticker for the flooring because wood can grow up by itself in 20 or 30 years without cutting.
- Healthy and Non-Toxic Glue or Adhesive
- Natural bamboo flooring only consumed 30 kg glue in one cubic meter of bamboo flooring, but laminate bamboo flooring consumed 400 kg. Less glue makes bamboo flooring very low formaldehyde emission and healthy. Natural bamboo flooring is E1 standard for VOC, even E0. Laminate never can be.

Natural bamboo flooring is installed in the room
Bamboo will be harvested after 4-6 years, people will worry about the hardness of it. Actually, bamboo is one of the strongest building materials. Bamboo's tensile strength is 28,000 per square inch versus 23,000 for steel. 25% harder than red oak and 12% harder than North American maple. 50% less expansion or contract than red oak. Density of natural bamboo flooring is 750 kg / m3. Density of strand woven bamboo flooring is 1100 kg / m3.
Natural bamboo flooring is good and attractive. Natural color of bamboo flooring will increase the attractiveness of rooms. Natural bamboo flooring has very stable structure, consistent quality and lifetime warranty. It also provides the comfort to the feet of the walkers and pleased feeling for the walkers.