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Bamboo lamp Shade Made Of Bamboo Veneer Panel

Bamboo lampshade is completely new lampshade comparing with regular plastic or glass lampshade. It is made of pressed bamboo veneer layers. On Aug 2, we released a bamboo lampshade made of solid bamboo panel, now, a new bamboo lampshade is developed.

First, we make a bamboo veneer. We press bamboo into bamboo panel block, then we slice it into bamboo veneer with very thin thickness - 0.3mm or 0.6mm. After slicing, we roll a piece of bamboo veneer to a round shape to make bamboo lampshade.

We get photos to explain what the difference between bamboo paneling lampshade with bamboo veneer lampshade.

The shape is different, panel's lampshade is square; veneer's lampshade is round.

The outlook is difference, panel's structure is very clear and veneer's is just bamboo nodes.

bamboo lamp shade

Bamboo lamp shade

bamboo lamp shade

Bamboo lamp shade

bamboo lamp shade

Bamboo lamp shade